


哈斯阿古拉( Hasi Agula
1981.9~1985.7北京大学生物学系细胞生物学及遗传学专业大学本科,获学士学位。1988.9~1991.7内蒙古大学生物学系植物学专业硕士研究生,获硕士学位。1999.9~2004.125357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口博士研究生,获博士学位。其间,2002.6~2003.6国家公派赴美国威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin—Madison)作高级访问学者,开展植物分子生物学研究。1985.7~1988.8在内蒙古农业大学农学系任助教。1991年8月至今, 在5357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口任教,历任助教、讲师、副教授、教授,一直从事教学和科研工作。
1 )植物果实发育分子生物学。
2 )植物基因工程。
3 )植物生物反应器。
1 Yong Ma, Fengying Zhang, Rengui Bade, Aodenghua Daxibater, Zhonghua Men, Agula Hasi*. Genome-Wide Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of the ERF Gene Family in Melon. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2015, 34: 66–77.
2 Y Ma, JW Guo, R Bade, ZH Men andA Hasi *. Genome-wide identification and phylogenetic analysis of the SBP-box gene family in melons. Genetics and Molecular Research 2014,13(4 ): 8794-8806.
3 LQ Zhang, YD Niu, H. Huridu, JF Hao, Z Qi and A Hasi*. Salicornia europaea L. Na+/H+ antiporter gene improves salt tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2014, 13 (3): 5350-5360.
4 〕乌斯呼吉日嘎拉 · 达赖胡,郝金凤 * ,张立全,赵爱奇,哈斯阿古拉 . 甜瓜 α– 甘露糖苷酶基因促进果实成熟功能的瞬时表达分析 . 园艺学报, 2014 41 8 ): 1601-1608.
5 Gao F, Hao J, Yao Y, Wang X and Hasi A*. Cloning and characterization of the ethylene- insensitive2 (EIN2) gene from Cucumis melo. Russian Journal of plant physiology, 2013, 60(5): 713-719.
6 Gao F, Niu YD, Hao JF, Bade RG, Zhang LQ and Hasi A*. Identification of differentially expressed genes during ethylene climacteric of melon fruit by suppression subtractive hybridization. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(8): 101-108.
7 Jinfeng Hao, Yiding Niu, Baojun Yang, Feng Gao, Liquan Zhang, Jing Wang, Agula Hasi*. Transformation of a marker-free and vector-free antisense ACC oxidase gene cassette into melon via the pollen-tube pathway. Biotechnology Letters 2011 33 55-61.
8 Shenghe Huang, Ruijie Liu, Yiding Niu, Agula Hasi*. Cloning and functional characterization of a fatty acid Δ6-desaturase from Oenothera biennis: production of γ-linolenic acid by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2010, 57(4): 568-573.
9 Yiding Niu, Tingmao Hu, Yonggang Zhou, Agula Hasi*. Isolation and characterization of two Medicago falcate AP2/EREBP family transcription factor cDNA, MfDREB1 and MfDREB1s. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2010 48 12 ): 971-976.      
10 Wuyi Wang, Jeff J. Esch, Shin-Han Shiu, Hasi Agula, Brad M. Binder, Caren Chang, Sara E. Patterson*, Anthony B. Bleecker. Identification of important regions for ethylene binding and signaling in the transmembrane domain of the ETR1 ethylene receptor of Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 2006, 18: 3429-3442.
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