

那顺布和 教授,研究生导师







5357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口教授、博士生导师。日本东京大学博士,英国帝国理工学院博士后、欧盟“玛丽·居里”研究员,内蒙古自治区“草原英才”,2016年以“内蒙古大学高层次引进人才”引进。兼任中国细胞生物学会理事,内蒙古细胞生物学会副理事长,中国动物学会生殖生物学分会委员。长期从事卵母细胞和胚胎发育的表观遗传学机理研究。系统阐明了组蛋白H2A和H3变异体对受精和体细胞克隆过程中基因组重编程的作用机理。揭示了蛋白H3.3及其分子伴侣Hira 调控卵母细胞发育和受精的分子机制。主要利用单细胞或少量细胞的全基因组测序技术,结合生物信息学方法系统研究哺乳动物卵母细胞和胚胎发育的表观遗传学机理。在Molecular Cell, EMBO J, Development 等国际著名期刊发表多篇论文,总引用次数700余次。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、地区项目一项,内蒙古自治区自然科学基金“杰出青年培育基金”项目一项, 参与内蒙古自治区重大专项两项,主持完成国家自然科学基金项目一项、欧盟“玛丽·居里”项目一项。受邀担任Molecular Cancer, iScience, Cellular Oncology, Frontiers in Genetics, Reproductive Toxicology等多个学术期刊的审稿专家。












2012.3-2013.8Medical Research Council - Clinical Sciences Centre (MRC-CSC), Career Development Fellow

2013.9-2015.8, Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine, “Marie Curie” Fellow

2015.9-2016.11, Medical Research Council-London Institute of Medical Sciences (MRC-LMS), Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2016.7-至今,5357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口 副教授、教授



(1) Guo J,Guo W,Zhang T,Zheng Y,Han B,Zhang Z,Liang N,Li Y,Shi Y,Zhang X ,Nashun B*.(2022) Gestational exposure to phenanthrene induces follicular atresia and endocrine dyscrasia in F1 adult female. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 232(2022)113291. (中科院二区,IF:6.3)

(2)Naren G, Guo J, Bai Q, Fan N, Nashun B*. (2022) Reproductive and developmental toxicities of 5-fluorouracil in model organisms and humans.  Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 24(e9),1–6. (中科院二区,IF:5.6)

(3) Yang W, Wang P, Cao P, Wang S, Yang Y, Su H, Nashun B* .(2021) Hypoxic in vitro culture reduces histone lactylation and impairs pre-implantation embryonic development in mice. Epigenetics & Chromatin.14(1),57.(中科院二区,IF:4.954)

(4) Wang X, Wang L, Dou J, Yu T, Cao P, Fan N, Borjigin U, Nashun B* .(2021 accepted) Distinct role of Histone chaperone Asf1a and Asf1b during fertilization and pre-implantation embryonic development in mice. Epigenetics & Chromatin.14(1),57.(中科院二区,IF:4.954)

(5) Cao P, Yang W, Wang P, Li X, Nashun B *. (2021) Characterization of DNA methylation and screening of epigenetic markers in polycystic ovary syndrome. Front Cell Dev Biol. 9. (中科院二区,IF:6.684)

(6)Naren G, Wang L, Zhang X, Cheng L, Yang S,Yang J, Guo J, Nashun B*. (2021) The reversible reproductive toxicity of 5-fluorouracil in mice. Repro Toxic. 101(4) (中科院三区,IF:3.143)

(7)Wang P, Yang W, Zhao S, Nashun B*. (2021) Regulation of chromatin structure and function: insights into the histone chaperone FACT. Cell Cycle.20(5-6),465-479. (中科院三区,IF:4.534)

(8) Cao P, Li H, Zuo Y, Nashun B*. (2020) Characterization of DNA methylation patterns and mining of epigenetic markers during genomic reprogramming in SCNT embryos. Front Cell Dev Biol. (中科院二区,IF:6.684)

(9) Nashun B, Hill PW, Smallwood SA, Dharmalingam G, Amouroux R, Clark SJ, Sharma V, Ndjetehe E, Pelczar P, Festenstein RJ, Kelsey G, Hajkova P. (2015) Continuous Histone Replacement by Hira Is Essential for Normal Transcriptional Regulation and De Novo DNA Methylation during Mouse Oogenesis. Mol Cellz19;60(4):611-25. (中科院一区,IF:13.958)

(10) Nashun, B*, Hill, PW* and Hajkova, P. (2015). Reprogramming of cell fate: epigenetic memory and the erasure of memories past. EMBO J. 34:1296-1308. (中科院一区,IF:9.643)

(11) Nashun, B*., Akiyama, T*., Suzuki, M and Aoki, F. (2011) Dramatic replacement of histone variants during genome remodeling in nuclear-transferred embryos.  Epigenetics. 6(12), 1489-1497. *co-first author (中科院二区,IF:4.318)

(12) Nashun, B., Yukawa, M., Liu, H., Akiyama, T., Aoki, F. (2010) Changes in the nuclear deposition of histone H2A variants during pre-implantation development in mice.  Development. 137(22), 3785-3794. (中科院二区,IF:6.898)

(13)Nashun B., Aoki F. The preferential incorporation of H2A.X into chromatin in early preimplantation embryos involves its C-terminal domain. Developmental Biology. 2010, 344(1), 463-463. (中科院二区,IF:4.09)

(14) Amouroux R, Nashun B, Shirane K, Nakagawa S, Hill PW, D'Souza Z, Nakayama M, Matsuda M, Turp A, Ndjetehe E, Encheva V, Kudo NR, Koseki H, Sasaki H, Hajkova P. (2016) De novo DNA methylation drives 5hmC accumulation in mouse zygotes. Nat Cell Biol. 18:225. (中科院一区,IF:20.260)

(15) Leitch HG, McEwen KR, Turp A, Encheva V, Carroll T, Grabole N, Mansfield W, Nashun B, Knezovich JG, Smith A, Surani MA, Hajkova P. (2013) Naive pluripotency is associated with global DNA hypomethylation. Nat Struct Mol Biol.20, 311-316. (中科院一区,IF:11.633)



(1)参编专著名称:《2019重大科学问题和工程技术难题》,出版社:中国科学技术出版社,出版时间:2019年8月出版, 出版单位:中国科学技术协会主编

(2) Characterization of DNA Methylation and Screening of Epigenetic Markers in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome文章被收录编著名称:《Prime Archives in Biosciences》,出版社:Vide Leaf,出版时间:2021年8月出版,出版单位:India: Vide Leaf, 国际标准书号(ISBN):978-81-944664-8-2



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