







电子邮箱 电话18147111586



2004.9-2009.7 华中农业大学 兽医专业毕业  农学学士

2009.9-2014.12 华中农业大学 预防兽医学专业毕业 农学博士

2012.6-2014.12 佐治亚大学兽医学院联合培养博士

2015.7-2019.12 5357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口  助理研究员

2019.12-至今 5357cc拉斯维加斯首页入口  副教授

2020.07-2021.02 科技部中国生物技术发展中心  借调



1. 基础研究方面,日本乙型脑炎病毒和狂犬病毒免疫逃避宿主机制研究。

2. 应用研究方面,病毒疫苗及载体研究,利用基因编辑技术和反向遗传学技术研制基因工程疫苗,成功建立日本乙型脑炎病毒、狂犬病毒、一型疱疹病毒、痘病毒和副痘病毒的基因操作系统。

3. 应用技术方面,以主要负责人申报新兽药证书一项(申报阶段),参与多项生物医药企业的检测与质控标准制定。



1. 国家自然基金面上项目狂犬病毒通过犬唾液中泛素蛋白酶体系统逃避免疫识别机制的研究3207290058万,2021-2024

2. 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项牛羊支原体肺炎和病毒性呼吸道疾病的防控技术研发与示范(子课题)50万,2021-2024

3. 国家重点研发计划(子课题)重要神经嗜性人兽共患病免疫与致病机制研究(2016YFD0500406)”147,2016-2121

4. 国家青年科学基金项目不饱和脂肪酸调控狂犬病毒和乙脑病毒感染与免疫的分子机制3160207120,2017-2019



2020.7-至今 国家自然基金委,基金委评议人

2018-至今 教育部硕士学位论文评审专家

202011-至今 《农业生物技术学报》 审稿专家

202011-至今 Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 审稿专家

20197-至今 Scientific Reports 审稿专家

20206-至今 Journal of Pediatric Neurology 审稿专家

20217-至今 Animal Disease 审稿专家

20217-至今Frontiers Veterinary Science 审稿专家



1. Tianyi Zhao; Jinxin Liu; Xi Zeng; Wei Wang; Sheng Li; Tianyi Zang; Jiajie Peng; Yang Yang*; Prediction and collection of protein–metabolite interactions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 0(0): 1-10. 1区,IF8.9

2. Chunfu Li#; Yongzhi Wang#; Huiting Liu#; Xinghua Zhang; Dalai Baolige; Shihua Zhao; Wei Hu; Yang Yang*; Change in the Single Amino Acid Site 83 in Rabies Virus Glycoprotein Enhances the BBB Permeability and Reduces Viral Pathogenicity, Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2021, 8(632957). 2区,IF5.3

3. Degradation of miR-466d-3p by Japanese encephalitis virus NS3 facilitates viral replication and IL-1β expression. Hui Jiang a*, Lige Bai a*, Lina Ji a*, Zhuofang Bai a, Tian Qin a, Guojun Wang a, Vinod Balasubramaniam c, Xiao Wang a, Min Cui b, Jing Ye b, Shengbo Cao b, Guangpeng Li a, Yang Yanga, †. Journal of Virology,2020 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00294-20. 2区,TopIF:4.7

4. DHA Sensor GPR120 in Host Defense Exhibits the Dual Characteristics of Regulating Dendritic Cell Function and Skewing the Balance of Th17/Tregs. Zhao Caiquuan; Zhou Jinxiu; Meng Yanqing; Shi Niu; Wang Xiao; Zhou Ming; Li Guangpeng; Yang Yang* International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020, 16(3): 374-387. 2区,IF:4.9

5. Deficient Incorporation of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein into Virions Enhances Virus-Induced Immune Evasion and Viral Pathogenicity. Li, Chunfu; Zhang, Hongliang; Ji, Lina; Wang, Xiao; Wen, Yongjun; Li, Guangpeng; Fu, Zhen F; Yang, Yang* Viruses-Basel, 2019, 11(3): 0-218. 2区,IF:3.7

6. Clement W. Gnanadurai1*, Yang Yang 1,5*, Ying Huang1, Zhenguang Li5, Christina M. Leyson1, Tanya L. Cooper2,Simon R. Platt3, Stephen B Harvey2, D.C. Hooper4, Milosz Faber and Zhen F. Fu 1,5† Differential host immune responses after infection with wild-type or lab-attenuated rabies viruses in dogs. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Aug; 9(8): e0004023. 2区,IF:4.7

7. Yang Yang, Ying Huang, Clement Gnanadurai, Shengbo Cao, Xueqin Liu, Min Cui, Zhen Fu The inability of wild-type rabies virus to activate dendritic cells is dependent on the glycoprotein and correlates with its low level of the de novo synthesized leader RNA. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02092-14. Journal of Virology. 89:2157-2169. 2区,TopIF:4.7

8. Yang Yang; Zohaib, Ali; Gong Chen; Jing Ye; Shengbo Cao. DC-SIGN increases Japanese encephalitis virus infection. Pak Vet J, 2013, 33(4): 408-412. 3, IF:1.7

9. Yang Yang; Jing Ye; Xiaohong Yang; Rong Jiang; Huanchun Chen; Shengbo Cao. Japanese encephalitis virus infection induces changes of mRNA profile of mouse spleen and brain. Virology Journal 2011, 8:80. 3, IF:2.7

10. 基于CRISPR/Cas9技术构建BHV-1 gE缺失株及其免疫生物学特性初步鉴定。穆艳霞; 张金玲; 刘春羽; 刘海瑞; 温永俊; 李光鹏; 杨洋* 农业生物技术学报, 2018, 26(12): 2003-2016.

11. CRISPR-Cas9系统介导的狂犬病病毒基因组敲除的方法。 中国专利, 申请公布实审阶段, 2019.6.28, 申请号2019101743428.

12. 一株I型牛疱疹病毒gE缺失毒株及其获取方法。中国专利, 申请公布实审阶段,2018-05-30201810542104.3

13. 一种表达猪圆环病毒2CAP蛋白的重组羊口疮病毒及其制备方法及应用。中国专利, 申请公布实审阶段,2019/12/18 201911306268.7

14. 作为主要负责人,申报一项牛XXX二联灭活疫苗(申报中)。



Personal Data

Name:Yang yang


Day of birth:1985.06

Policital status:Party Member of CPC

Career: Associate Professor, Supervisor of Postgraduate, engaged in zoonotic diseases and related diagnosis and vaccine research.

E-mail: Phone number: 18147111586


Education and Working Experience:

Sep 2004-Jul 2009 Huazhong Agricultural University Bachelor of Agriculture Major in veterinarian

Sep 2009-Dec 2014 Huazhong Agricultural University Doctor of Agriculture Major in Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Jun 2012-Dec 2014  The University of Georgia  Doctor

Jul 2015-Dec 2019  College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia University  Assistant Researcher

Dec 2019-Present  College of Life Science,Inner Mongolia University  Assistant Professor

Jul 2020-Feb 2021  China National Center for Biotechnology Development


Research Interests:

1. Basic research is on the immune evasion mechanism of Japanese encephalitis virus and rabies virus.

2. Applied research is on virus vaccines and vectors, use gene-editing technology and reverse genetics technology to develop genetic engineering vaccines, and successfully establish Japanese encephalitis virus, rabies virus, herpes virus type 1, poxvirusand Parapoxvirus gene operating system.

3. Application technology is to declare a new veterinary drug certificate with the main person in charge (application stage), and participate in the formulation of testing and quality control standards for multiple biomedical companies.


Research Project(Person in Charge):

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China“Research on mechanisms of rabies virus escape immune recognition via the ubiquitin proteasome system in dog saliva”(grant 32072900) 580,000, 2021-2024.

2. Inner Mengolia Science and Technology Plan“Development and demonstration of prevention and control technologies for Mycoplasma bovis pneumonia and viral respiratory diseases”500,000, 2021-2024.

3. National Key Research and Development Program of China“Research on the immune and pathogenic mechanisms of important neurotropic zoonoses”(grant 2016YFD0500406) 1,470,000, 2016-2121.

4. National Natural Science Foundation of China“Molecular mechanisms of unsaturated fatty acids regulating rabies virus and japanese encephalitis virus infection and immunity”(grant 31602071) 200,000, 2017-2019.


Academic positions:

1. Jul 2020-present National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China

2. 2018-present Ministry of Education master's degree thesis review expert

3. Nov 2020-present Reviewer of "Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology"

4. Nov 2020-present Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Reviewer

5. Jul 2019-present Scientific Reports Reviewer

6. Jun 2020-present Journal of Pediatric Neurology Reviewer

7. Jul 2021-present Animal Disease Reviewer

8. Jul 2021-present Frontiers Veterinary Science Reviewer

Research Achievement (Communication/First)

1. Tianyi Zhao; Jinxin Liu; Xi Zeng; Wei Wang; Sheng Li; Tianyi Zang; Jiajie Peng; Yang Yang*; Prediction and collection of protein–metabolite interactions, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 0(0): 1-10. (IF=5.772)

2. Chunfu Li#; Yongzhi Wang#; Huiting Liu#; Xinghua Zhang; Dalai Baolige; Shihua Zhao; Wei Hu; Yang Yang*; Change in the Single Amino Acid Site 83 in Rabies Virus Glycoprotein Enhances the BBB Permeability and Reduces Viral Pathogenicity, Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 2021, 8(632957). (IF=6.684)

3. Degradation of miR-466d-3p by Japanese encephalitis virus NS3 facilitates viral replication and IL-1β expression. Hui Jiang a*, Lige Bai a*, Lina Ji a*, Zhuofang Bai a, Tian Qin a, Guojun Wang a, Vinod Balasubramaniam c, Xiao Wang a, Min Cui b, Jing Ye b, Shengbo Cao b, Guangpeng Li a, Yang Yanga, †. Journal of Virology,2020 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00294-20. (TopIF=5.102)

4. DHA Sensor GPR120 in Host Defense Exhibits the Dual Characteristics of Regulating Dendritic Cell Function and Skewing the Balance of Th17/Tregs. Zhao Caiquuan; Zhou Jinxiu; Meng Yanqing; Shi Niu; Wang Xiao; Zhou Ming; Li Guangpeng; Yang Yang* International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020, 16(3): 374-387. (IF=6.582)

5. Deficient Incorporation of Rabies Virus Glycoprotein into Virions Enhances Virus-Induced Immune Evasion and Viral Pathogenicity. Li, Chunfu; Zhang, Hongliang; Ji, Lina; Wang, Xiao; Wen, Yongjun; Li, Guangpeng; Fu, Zhen F; Yang, Yang* Viruses-Basel, 2019, 11(3): 0-218. (IF=5.041)

6. Clement W. Gnanadurai1*, Yang Yang 1,5*, Ying Huang1, Zhenguang Li5, Christina M. Leyson1, Tanya L. Cooper2,Simon R. Platt3, Stephen B Harvey2, D.C. Hooper4, Milosz Faber and Zhen F. Fu 1,5† Differential host immune responses after infection with wild-type or lab-attenuated rabies viruses in dogs. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Aug; 9(8): e0004023. (IF=4.414)

7. Yang Yang, Ying Huang, Clement Gnanadurai, Shengbo Cao, Xueqin Liu, Min Cui, Zhen Fu The inability of wild-type rabies virus to activate dendritic cells is dependent on the glycoprotein and correlates with its low level of the de novo synthesized leader RNA. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02092-14. Journal of Virology. 89:2157-2169. (TopIF=5.101)

8. Yang Yang; Zohaib, Ali; Gong Chen; Jing Ye; Shengbo Cao. DC-SIGN increases Japanese encephalitis virus infection. Pak Vet J, 2013, 33(4): 408-412.( IF=1.318)

9. Yang Yang; Jing Ye; Xiaohong Yang; Rong Jiang; Huanchun Chen; Shengbo Cao. Japanese encephalitis virus infection induces changes of mRNA profile of mouse spleen and brain. Virology Journal 2011, 8:80. (IF=4.093)

10. Construction of BHV-1 gE Delation strain based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology and preliminary identification of its biological characteristics. Mu Yanxia; Zhang Jinling; Liu Chunyu; Liu Hairui; Wen Yongjun; Li Guangpeng; Yang Yang* Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology, 2018, 26(12): 2003-2016.(

11. The method of rabies virus genome knockout mediated by the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Chinese patent, application publication substantive examination stage, 2019.6.28, application number 2019101743428.

12. A type I bovine herpes virus gE deletion strain and its obtaining method. Chinese patent, application publication substantive examination stage, 2018-05-30, 201810542104.3.

13. A recombinant ovine aphthous virus expressing porcine circovirus type 2 CAP protein and its preparation method and application. Chinese patent, application publication substantive examination stage, 2019/12/18, 201911306268.7.

14. As the main person in charge, apply for an inactivated bovine XXX vaccine (under application).




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