











1.       国家自然科学基金地区项目:2022.01- 2025.12, 在研, 主持;

2.       国家自然科学基金青年项目:番茄 SlBL4 基因调控果实发育和成熟的机理研究; 2017.01-2019.12, 20万元,已结题, 主持;

3.       内蒙古自然科学基金面上项目: 2020.072022.12, 在研, 主持;

4.       内蒙古大学高层次人才启动项目: 2020.01-2023.12, 在研, 主持;

5.       内蒙古自治区科技计划: 2020.07-2024.12; 在研, 参加;

6.       国家自然科学基金面上项目: 2020.01-2023.12; 在研, 参加;

7.       国家自然科学基金面上项目:番茄生长素反应基因在表皮毛发育过程中的调控机理; 2013.01-2016.12; 75 万元, 已结题, 参加;

8.       重庆大学自然科学奖:生长素对番茄果实形成和衰老的调控机理研究; 2019; 一等奖, 排名第三(重庆大学);



1.      Fang Yan, Zhehao Gong, Guojian Hu, Xuesong Ma, Runyao Bai, Ruonan Yu, Qiang Zhang, Wei Deng, Zhengguo Li* & Hada Wuriyanghan*. Tomato SlBL4 plays an important role in fruit pedicel organogenesis and abscission. Horticulture Research, 2021, 8. (SCI一区Top) (IF: 6.793)

2.      Fang Yan, Yushuo Gao, Xiaoqin Pang, Xin Xu, Ning Zhu, Helen Chan, Guojian Hu, Mengbo Wu, Yujin Yuan, Honghai Li, Silin Zhong, Wuriyanghan Hada, Wei Deng and Zhengguo Li*. SlBL4 regulates chlorophyll accumulation, chloroplast development and cell wall metabolism in tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020,71(18):5549-5561.(SCI大类生物二区Top,小类植物科学一区)(IF: 6.992)

3.      Yue Wang, Pengfei Diao, Lingqi Kong, Ruonan Yu, Man Zhang, Tiantian Zuo, Yanyan Fan, Yiding Niu, Fang Yan* and Hada Wuriyanghan*. Ethylene Enhances Seed Germination and Seedling Growth under Salinity by Reducing Oxidative Stress and Promoting Chlorophyll Content via ETR2 Pathway. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 01066. (SCI 二区)(IF: 5.753)

4.      王月, 于若男, 马雪松, 哈达, 孔令琪, 燕芳*. 乙烯对盐胁迫下紫花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 内蒙古大学学报, 2021, 51(1)59-69. (北大核心)

5.      Fang Yan, Wei Deng, Xiaoqin Pang, Yushuo Gao, Helen Chan, Qiang Zhang,Nan Hu, Jingxuan Chen, Zhengguo Li*. Overexpression of the KNOX gene Tkn4 affects pollen development and confers sensitivity to gibberellin and auxin in tomato. Plant science, 2019, 281:61-71. (SCI 二区)(IF: 3.591)

6.      Fang Yan, Guojian Hu, Zhengxin Ren, Wei Deng*, Zhenggou Li*. Ectopic Expression a Tomato KNOX Gene Tkn4 Influence Leaf, Meristem and Vascular Architecture. Plant Molecular Biology, 2015, 89: 589-605. (SCI 二区)(IF:3.905)

7.      Wei Deng*, Fang Yan, Xiaolan Zhang, Yuwei Tang. Transcriptional profiling of canola developing embryo and identification of the important roles of BnDof5.6 in embryo development and fatty acids synthesis. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2015, 56:1624-1640 (SCI 二区). (IF: 4.319)

8.      Xiaolan Zhang#, Fang Yan#, YuWei Tang, Yujin Yuan, Wei Deng*, Zhengguo Li*. SlARF3, a tomato auxin response gene, plays important role in trichome formation. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2015, 56:2110-2124. (SCI 二区, 共同一作). (IF: 4.319)

9.       Fang Yan#, Wei Deng#, Xiaomin Wang, Zhengguo Li*. Maize (Zea mays L.) homologue of ABA insensitive (ABI5) gene plays a negative regulatory role in abiotic stresses response. Plant Growth Regulation, 2012, 68:383-393. (SCI 四区)(IF: 1.670)

10.  Zhiqiang Xian, Fang Yan, Zhengguo Li. Cloning and characterization of ARGONAUTE genes in tomato. Springer Protocols, 2016.






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